The employee creates the value of the company; protect yourself and your employee
Possibility to choose validity periods and regions
In addition to traumas, we also insure against unforeseen critical illnesses, such as heart attacks. Check the terms and conditions
Accident Insurance is a highly appreciated bonus offered by employers on the labour market as part of their social security, incentive and loyalty promotion plans.
Accident Insurance provides compensation for treatment expenses in the event of injuries, compensation in the event of disablement and compensation as a percentage of the insurance coverage depending on the severity of the injury. The Accident Insurance coverage may also include the risk of critical medical conditions, which means compensation in the event that the patient is diagnosed with myocardial infarction, stroke, cancer or any other serious condition, the risk of exposure to ionising radiation in cases where employees operate any systems which may cause a medical condition associated with exposure to ionising radiation as well as other risks for extra security.
The Accident Insurance Policy will serve as significant financial support for your employees in the event of an accident.
Indemnities in cases of various injuries, such as fractures, dislocations, cut wounds, etc.
Treatment Expenses
We shall indemnify the expenses for the medical procedures performed and prescribed by the attending doctor in association with out-patient or in-patient treatment. Only the expenses for the medical services received at the medical facilities entered into the Register of Medical Institutions, Companies, and Practices of the Republic of Estonia will be indemnified.
Daily allowance
We shall indemnify the expenses (in the amount fixed in the insurance contract) for each day of temporary incapacity if, as result of an accident, the temporary incapacity for work lasts for more than seven business days (unless otherwise stipulated in the agreement).
Hospital Fee
We shall indemnify the expenses (in the amount fixed in the insurance contract) for each day spent in hospital in case the hospital treatment lasts for more than 24 consecutive hours.
Payment for sweets, fruit, or cinema for children*
We shall indemnify the fixed expenses for the purchase of sweets, fruit, or cinema or zoo tickets for a child (below 17 years of age) who has been involved in an accident and suffered an injury.
Expenses for a Private Tutor for Children*
We shall indemnify the fixed expenses for the services of a private tutor in case the child (a pupil below 17 years of age) is not able to attend school for three or more weeks and thus falls behind in their studies.
Study Allowance for Children*
If death occurs as result of an accident or within one year thereof, we shall indemnify the higher educational institution tuition fees for one biological or adopted child (below 24 years of age) of yours. The tuition fees will be indemnified for three years of studies, but only until the child reaches the age of 27 years.
Insurance against critical medical conditions
We shall pay an indemnity in case of diagnosis of any of the following medical conditions: myocardial infarction, stroke, cancer, chronic renal failure, paralysis, multiple sclerosis, primary diabetes mellitus Type 1, AIDS.
Sudden and unexpected destruction or damage to the insured equipment, caused by internal breakage or another internal failure.
In case death occurs as result of an accident during the effective period of the insurance contract or within one year of the accident, the indemnity of 100% will be paid to the person (beneficiary) specified in the insurance policy.
Funeral expenses
We shall indemnify the expenses for burial services, such as purchase of coffin, cemetery or crematorium services, transportation of the mortal remains, morgue services, purchase and installation of a tombstone, received in the Republic of Estonia.
*Exclusively at BTA
Sports often lead to accidents and injuries. If you play sports and have an otherwise mobile lifestyle, it makes sense to insure yourself.
The territory of the Accident Insurance Policy can be specified based on your preferences:
entire world
Please note that leisure or business trips to other countries additionally require Travel Insurance.
You may choose the effective period of your policy as necessary:
24 hours
business hours, including travel to and from work
during workout/training sessions
The insurance agreement period can be from 1 to 12 months.
Insurance service information documents
Valid Accident Insurance terms and conditions
Terms and conditions No. EE6-1
effective as of 04.07.2017 (in estonian)
Annexes to the Terms and conditions No. EE6-1
effective as of 04.07.2017:
Annex No. 1
Table of compensation rates for permanent disability under accident insurance
Annex No. 2
Table for compensation rates for pain and suffering under the terms of accident insurance
Annex No. 3
Consequences of accidents in relation to which an insured person will receive compensation for medical expenses, daily allowance and sick pay
Annex No. 4
Terms and Conditions of Insurance Against Critical illnesses (in estonian)
Valid general Insurance Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions No. GC 2019.0
effective as of 01.07.2019
Accident Insurance terms and conditions which are not valid anymore
Terms and conditions No. 6-EE
effective as of 01.02.2011 till 03.07.2017 (in estonian)
Annexes to the Terms and conditions No. 6-EE
effective as of 01.02.2011 till 03.07.2017:
Annex No. 1
Amount of Insurance Indemnity due to an Accident Table No. 1 (in estonian)
Annex No. 2
Amount of Insurance Indemnity due to an Accident Table No. 1a (in estonian)
Annex No. 3
Amount of Insurance Indemnity due to an Accident Table No. 2 (in estonian)
Annex No. 4
Amount of Insurance Indemnity due to Mutilation as Result of an Accident (in estonian)
Annex No. 5
Consequences of Accidents when the Insured is Entitled to Compensation of Medical Expenses, Daily Allowance and Hospital Fee (in estonian)
Annex No. 6
Terms and Conditions of Insurance Against Critical Medical Conditions» (in estonian)
General Insurance Terms and Conditions which are not valid anymore
Terms and Conditions No. GC-2012
effective as of 01.12.2011 till 30.06.2019
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We indemnify in BTA traffic damage caused by the party who has taken out motor insurance and the cost of medical treatment for third parties (owners of other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) and damage to property of third parties.
Check out the current contracts in BTA self-service. Self-service is available only for private customers.
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